Every year, we solicit public input from people with disabilities, their family and friends, service providers, and other interested parties to determine what the needs are and whether our current priorities are targeting those needs.
The DRA Board of Directors then adopts priorities based on feedback from individuals with disabilities, family members, advocates, and professionals. The priorities adopted by the Board determine the activities for the fiscal year.
Our current priorities include:

Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
Individuals with disabilities will be safe from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

Education and Employment
Individuals with disabilities will have access to education and employment opportunities in an integrated setting.

Youth in Institutional Care Settings
Institutionalized youth will be free from abuse and neglect and will receive appropriate mental health and educational services.

Access to services through Medicaid/PASSE
Individuals eligible for Medicaid or assigned to a PASSE will have access to services and understand their rights.

Voting Rights/Access
Individuals with disabilities will be able to participate in the voting process.

Individuals with disabilities will receive supports to become effective self-advocates.
Outreach and Education
Through outreach and education, DRA will inform individuals about their rights, what resources may be available in the community, and how DRA can help.