We protect and advocate for the civil and legal rights of people with disabilities in Arkansas.
Your Rights
- Legal representation
- Direct advocacy
- Monitoring facilities
- Civil rights education and outreach
- Voting rights education and advocacy
Equity And Inclusion
- Person-centered services
- Educating people with disabilities and the community
- Educating self-advocates and providing resources/ support
For Change
- Public policy advocacy
- Training and technical assistance
- Strategic partnerships
- Holding policymakers, agencies, and organizations accountable

Toll Free: (800) 482-1174
Phone: (501) 296-1775
Fax: (501) 296-1779
Email: [email protected]
Visit us at:
400 West Capitol Ave, Suite 1200
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Disability Rights Arkansas (DRA) is the independent, private, nonprofit organization designated by the Governor of Arkansas to implement the federally funded and authorized Protection and Advocacy systems throughout the state. DRA services include information and referral, short-term assistance, technical assistance, legal representation, systemic advocacy, monitoring, and training. DRA services are provided free-of-charge. DRA is independent from state and local government.
Through the leadership of its Governing Board and Advisory Councils, DRA staff provides services to children and adults with disabilities throughout Arkansas. We strive to serve our clients’ expressed wishes.