- Maltreatment
- Client tried to kick the door that a staff member was in front of, and the staff member pushed the client away from the door and moved his leg to block the client from kicking the door. The client then punched the staff member in the stomach, and staff then shoved the client back and into the cafeteria. Staff told the client “please come at me”, and client tried to hit staff several times, and staff then kicked the client in the legs. The staff member was told to leave the room, and client stated “you picked the wrong kid to fuck with” to which staff responded “I will stab you” while he was walking out. The staff member was removed from the facility and suspended until further notice.
- Licensing follow-up: On 12/05/22, Licensing contacted the investigator and reviewed video footage. The video footage showed the staff member shoving the client and arguing with the client as 2 other staff stood by watching. After the staff member kicked the client, the staff member was asked to leave by the other staff. The facility reported that the staff members that stood by will be retrained on how to interact with residents and appropriate de-escalation techniques by 12/09/22 and will not work with residents until retrained. Licensing Complaint founded; The facility will be cited for 109.1.g and 905.4.g. On 01/27/23, Licensing was informed by the CACD investigator that the case was found unsubstantiated.
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report