Caller advised that resident fainted and was unresponsive. Caller then advised resident was now responding and to disregard EMS request.
Police Report
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Location: Forrest City, AR
Population Served: Males ages 12-17 and a specialized sexual rehabilitative unit for males ages 12-17
# of residents per unit: Up to 21 | Residents per room: 1-3 (SRU has 1 or 3, never 2) | Capacity: 66 |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Calls 2x/week.
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? Yes |
Clinical Director - LPC-TA
Therapists: 3 full-time therapists (1 LCSW, 1 LPC, 1 LMSW); 2 part-time/contract therapists (1 LCSW ACSW, 1 LAC)
Treatment modalities offered: DBT, CBT, TF-CBT, Person-Centered, Narrative, Reality, Anger Replacement Therapy
# of individual therapy sessions/week: 1x/week
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: 3x/week
Police Report
Caller advised that resident fainted and was unresponsive. Caller then advised resident was now responding and to disregard EMS request.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident fell and hit his head for an unknown reason. Nurse assessed, and resident came to but was lethargic. The Nurse consulted with APRN who advised that resident be sent to Forrest City Medical Center for evaluation. Resident was diagnosed with adult syncope and referred to neurologist within 2-3 days to rule out seizure.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm
Resident sent back out to the ER for punching wall with already injured hand due to still being angry about altercation. Nurse assessed and he was sent to Forrest City Medical Center for medical examination and x-ray after consultation with the APRN. Diagnosed with a metacarpal buckle fracture. Sent back to the facility for continuance of care. All residents involved separated and allowed to process with staff. Also placed on assault precaution and self-harm precaution.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident had pain and swelling in right hand and nose, bruise also noted on his nose from altercation with another peer the night before. Nurse assessed and he was sent to Forrest City Medical Center for medical examination and x-ray after consultation with the APRN. Diagnosed with buckle fracture displaced of the 5th metacarpal metaphysis. Sent back to the facility for continuance of care. All residents involved separated and allowed to process with staff.
Police Report
Officers were dispatched to Perimeter for an aggravated assault report. Mr. Ladarius Murphy, staff member of Perimeter, stated that he was in the dayroom and a resident walked out of the dayroom and walked down the hallway without permission. Murphey then started to stop resident from leaving by putting resident in an ESI lock. Resident started to swing on Murphey and struck Murphey’s right cheek with his right fist. No visible injuries were visible on Murphey’s face, and Murphey declined EMS.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm
Resident complained of pain in his right hand after punching a wall. Staff was seen by APRN and sent to the Forrest City Medical Center. After assessment and x-ray it is a Boxer’s fracture to the right hand.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident complained of stomach pain and expressed to nurse that he was not having bowel movements for the past week. Staff was seen by APRN and sent to the Forrest City Medical Center. After assessment he was given a fleet enema for the hospital and diagnosed with child constipation.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident came to the nurse’s station due to right hand pain and swelling. Source of injury was not specified. Staff was seen by APRN and sent to the Forrest City Medical Center. After assessment and x-ray resident was diagnosed with Linear lucency through the ulnar aspect of the epiphysis of the proximal phalanx of the thumb with tenderness, possibly an artifactual fracture.
Police Report
Fire Alarm
Advised fire alarm going off. Front Motion. Nothing showing at this time. All units are back in. No service needed.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident complained of pain in his left wrist/hand. Source of injury or pain was not disclosed by resident after being prompted and asked by staff. Corrective Actions Taken: Staff was seen by APRN and sent to the Forrest City Medical Center. After assessment and X-Ray there was not any injury found only swelling and redness observed. Resident sent back to the facility for continuance of care.
Visit Compliance Report
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
Licensing Specialist completed buildings and grounds. The following areas were observed: administration hall, grounds, education hall, dining room, dayrooms, bathrooms, laundry room, bedrooms, quiet rooms, gym, and nurse’s station.
Licensing Specialist observed that the grounds were maintained. Licensing Specialist was escorted by Antione Jackson, Clinical Director. The courtyard was clear of safety hazards. A staff member and resident (ratio:1:1) were walking across the courtyard. The area between the gym and courtyard was free of debris.
Holiday decoration were located on each hall (100,200,300, and 400). A schedule of holiday activities was on each hall. All bedrooms and bathrooms were organized, and furnishings were in good repair. Housekeeping was on the 100 Hall.
Maintenance was in the laundry room cleaning paint out of a sink. A wet paint sign was on the door frame. No residents were present on the hall. On the educational hall, the ratio was 2:1. Other residents were in their classrooms.
Licensing Specialist reviewed MARs. All initialed and up to date.
Police Report
Officers were dispatched to Perimeter Behavioral in response to a Runaway Juvenile. Cliff Williams, Director, stated resident escaped the building through a hole he made under the safety fence. Williams gave chase but could not convince resident to stop and come back.
Sgt. Mansel found resident on Spring way Street. Resident was brought back to the health unit and EMS was called for his injuries. Resident had scratches and scrapes to his arms and wrists from going over the fence. Resident was transported to FCMC for treatment.
Elopement, Medical, Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident eloped from the facility when a physical altercation between two other peers took place in the gym. Upon return by the police, the resident fainted and had to be held up to walk. Resident was transported to the ER for assessment by paramedic ambulance.
Corrective Actions Taken: Staff pursued resident by foot until he made it over the fence and into the woods. The police were called @13:00 resident was returned to the facility by 13:22. The resident was examined by the medical staff at Forrest City Medical Center and it was found that resident had acute bronchitis. He was prescribed Tylenol as needed and sent back to the facility for continued treatment. Resident placed on Elopement Precautions and Unit Restriction.
Police Report
Caller advised that one of the residents attacked another one and they would like to make a report.
Police Report
On 12/11/23 Officer James was dispatched to 1521 Albert St. for a battery report. Ladarius Murphy stated he was one of the group home teachers. Mr. Murphy stated that one of the other teachers took residents writing utensils in the classroom because he wasn’t supposed to have that kind of utensil in his possession. Resident started to get violent with Mr. Murphy while he was trying to take him to his room. Resident tried to bite him and used his left fist to punch Murphy in the left cheek. Murphy stated that he didn’t want to press charges at the time.
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
Resident was left in room unattended for several minutes. Incident reported by MHT Program Manager. Corrective Actions Taken: Resident was examined by the nurse and the incident was reported to the Child Abuse Hotline but not accepted. Staff were sent home pending further investigation and information. The incident was confirmed by staff locating resident from area that he was left unattended on the 100 Hall.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
Program Coordinator spoke with Charlotte Lockhart, CEO. Ms. Lockhart informed that camera footage was unavailable due to malfunction of cameras, and they are working with IT to resolve the issue.
Facility cited 907.2: Staff left resident unattended for several minutes in a room.
12/13/2023, Program Coordinator received CAA for staff members involved (3).
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation, Visit Compliance Report
Resident made allegation of abuse against roommate and two staff members that he was punched in the face by roommate, slapped in the face and hit in the back by staff. Nurse observed a bruise under his eye and swelling. Corrective Actions Taken: First Aide performed on resident. Staff processed incident and resident was checked and examined by Nurse. APRN was notified and outside medical was not needed. Staff were suspended pending investigation. Resident was moved away from his room for that night to avoid further incident with roommate. Allegation of abuse was reported and submitted by nurse. Incident reviewed by Safety team, no camera footage was found.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
Program Coordinator spoke with Charlotte Lockhart, CEO. Ms. Lockhart informed that camera footage was unavailable due to malfunctioning of cameras and they are working with IT to resolve the issue. Program Coordinator reviewed witness statements.
CACD investigation was unsubstantiated. This complaint has been Unfounded by Licensing. Staff members involved will be retrained in verbal de-escalation.
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
Resident reported to staff that staff member threw a walkie talkie at him and hit his face after he threw a pen at him. Two lacerations to his face were observed by the nurse. Corrective Actions Taken: First Aide performed on resident. Staff processed incident and resident was checked and examined by Nurse. APRN was notified and outside medical was not needed. Staff were suspended pending investigation. Child Abuse Hotline was called and accepted. Incident reviewed by Safety team and camera was attempted to be reviewed there was not any camera footage that was found.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
Program Coordinator spoke with Charlotte Lockhart, CEO. Ms. Lockhart informed that camera footage was unavailable due to malfunctioning of cameras. Ms. Lockhart reported that they are working with IT to resolve the issue.
Program Coordinator reviewed witness statements for the incident. Per statement written by staff, “Resident took my pen without permission and was asked to give it back. Resident throw the pen hit me in the face and i throw the pen back, and the radio slipped out my hand hitting him.”
Facility cited 109.1g and 905.4: Staff member admitted throwing a pen at the resident.
CACD investigation Substantiated. This complaint has been Founded by Licensing. Staff member was terminated.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident was brought to the Nurses station and complained of chest pain. Corrective Actions Taken: Nurse consulted with APRN who advised that resident be sent to the Forrest City Medical Center for evaluation. Resident diagnosed with chest wall pain and upper respiratory infection and sent back to the facility for continuance of care and Tylenol as needed.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident complained of pain to left ankle after hurting his ankle during gym time. Corrective Actions Taken: Nurse consulted with APRN who advised that resident be sent to the Forrest City Medical Center for evaluation. Resident diagnosed with left ankle sprain. RICE therapy recommended for continued care back at the facility.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident complained of not being able to breathe properly and did not know why. Corrective Actions Taken: Nurse consulted with APRN who advised that resident be sent to the Forrest City Medical Center for evaluation. Resident diagnosed with Costochondritis, cause not known. No follow-up recommended unless conditions worsens or does not get better.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was involved in a physical altercation with another peer and complained of right-hand pain after altercation ended. Corrective Actions Taken: Nurse consulted with APRN who advised that resident be sent to the Forrest City Medical Center for evaluation. Swelling and redness were also observed. Results of examination and X-Ray are minimally angulated suspected fracture. Sent back to facility for continuance of care. Resident placed on assault precautions and activity restrictions.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident complained of right arm pain and stated his arm has been hurting for a few days. Resident did not disclose origin of pain or injury when prompted multiple times by the nurse. Corrective Actions Taken: Nurse consulted with APRN who advised that resident be sent to the Forrest City Medical Center for evaluation. After X-Ray and medical evaluation no significant findings were observed.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was playing with peers and came down on his wrist/arm and was brought to the nurses station after injury and reports of pain. Corrective Actions Taken: Nurse consulted with APRN who advised that resident be sent to the Forrest City Medical Center for evaluation. Results of examination and X-Ray are unspecified sprain to right wrist. Resident given pain medications.
Visit Compliance Report
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
Licensing Specialist spoke with Charlotte Lockhart, CEO, regarding two incidents. Incidents on 10/14/23 and 11/16/23 were reviewed, and Licensing received a copy of the nursing assessment for both incidents.
10/14/23 – Doctor was notified of incident and resident was assessed/monitored by nursing staff. Resident’s vitals were normal, and pain was denied at that time.
11/16/23 – Staff intervened and cut the zip tie from the resident’s neck. Resident assessed by nursing and vitals were normal. Redness was observed around neck area. No swelling, cuts, abrasions, or bruising noted. Resident was placed on self harm precautions and line of sight supervision. Resident reported that he was not trying to harm himself.
Licensing observed med pass on Station 1. Nurse Jennifer administered medication for four residents, who were called one by one. Nurse asked each resident their name and DOB. Once verified, nurse placed medication in a cup and poured a cup of water. Nurse took vitals of two residents due to medication they are on. Resident drank water and swallowed the pill. Nurse checked each resident’s mouth and under their tongue.