Resident reported that a peer kissed her twice and forced her to lick her peer’s vagina. The resident reported she and her peers were playing Truth or Dare and another peer dared the resident’s peer to kiss her. The resident reported her peer had turned her around and kissed her, then followed her into the bathroom where her peer forced her to lick her vagina.
Licensing Specialist: Jarred Parnell
7/19/24: Licensing Specialist visited the facility to review camera footage and discuss the incident with facility staff. Video shows residents in the day room. When a staff member leaves the day room, the two residents enter the first bedroom door where residents use the restroom. The two residents are out of view for approximately 20 seconds, then re-enter the day room.
Licensing specialist reviewed the incident with staff and discussed implementations for increased supervision during hygiene time and providing more structure. The facility will provide documentation of the implementation by 7/26/24.
This complaint has been Unfounded by Licensing.