Officers responded to a report of a missing juvenile who eloped when arriving at the facility. Officers record the subject as missing.
Police Report
Elopement, Police Report
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Location: Fayetteville, AR Population Served: Children and adolescents ages 7-17 with sexually maladaptive behaviors and other co-occurring psychiatric conditions.
# of residents per unit: Up to 32 | Residents per room: 1, 3 or 4 | Capacity: 102 |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Typically, bi-weekly phone calls. Visits with family are scheduled (frequency or schedule not provided).
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? Yes |
Clinical Director: LPC's Therapists: 8 full-time therapists (2 LMSW, 1 LPC, 3 LAC, 2 LPC); 1 part-time/contract therapist (LAC)
Treatment modalities offered: TF-CBT, CBT and other modalities individualized for resident and needs.
# of individual therapy sessions/week: 1-2
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: 3
Police Report
Elopement, Police Report
Officers responded to a report of a missing juvenile who eloped when arriving at the facility. Officers record the subject as missing.
Police Report
911 Hang Up, Police Report
A 911 call was received from the facility. Facility staff advised officers it was a false alarm.
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
Facility received a complaint that a staff member gave his vape to a resident to use while on a transport to a medical appointment.
Licensing Specialist: Jarred Parnell
7/3/24: Licensing Specialist visited the facility to initiate the complaint and discuss the allegations with facility staff. A witness statement from a staff member present on the day of the incident was requested. The facility provided the Licensing Specialist with a Corrective Action Plan (CAP).
7/5/24: Facility CAP is approved. 7/10/24: Licensing Specialist contacted the facility to inquire about training for staff member associated with this incident. Staff members received one hour of coaching and direction from the facility’s Risk Department.
This complaint has been Unfounded by Licensing.
Police Report
911 Hang Up, Police Report
Officers responded to the facility regarding a 911 hang-up call. Nursing staff advised officers that it was a false alarm.
Police Report
911 Hang Up, Police Report
Officers responded to the facility regarding a 911 hang-up call. An employee advised officers that the call was accidental.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm
Resident reported that he injured his hand by hitting a wall during poor sportsmanship.
An x-ray was completed. Diagnosis: Fracture of the right 4th and 5th metacarpals, nondisplaced
Resident will be seen by Ozark Orthopedics. He currently is unable to participate in sports due to the injury.
Police Report
Elopement, Police Report
Officers responded to a report of a missing juvenile. Before officers arrive at the facility, facility staff report that the juvenile has been recovered.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
A resident was hit in the face by a peer during an altercation. The resident reported that he lost consciousness after being hit. He was sent to Physicians’ Specialty Hospital Emergency Room for evaluation.
Diagnosis: Facial Contusion and concussion
The resident will be unable to participate in sports for 3 days. He received orders for ice and ibuprofen as needed for pain.
7/3/24: A visit by Licensing was conducted to review the video of the incident. Safety plans and medical follow-up were also reviewed. Both residents have been separated, and the aggressor was placed on precautions.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
While the resident was playing kickball for Recreational Therapy, he slipped out of his shoe and then complained of knee pain. Upon initial assessment, he was able to move his knee without pain but did complain of his lower right leg hurting. APRN was notified and the resident was taken to Ozark Orthopedics for evaluation.
Diagnosis: Closed fracture to the distal fibula, 5th metatarsal bone
The resident was put in a cast and will have a follow-up appointment on 07/01/2024. The resident may participate in no sports until further orders are received.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident heard a pop in his ankle as he jumped down from an awning he had climbed to retrieve a football.
At assessment, the resident’s left ankle was noted to be extremely swollen, so he was taken to urgent care for an x-ray.
Diagnosis: Non-displaced fracture to the tibia
The resident was placed in a cast and will follow up with Ozark Orthopedics.
Police Report
Indecent Exposure, Police Report
Officers responded to a complaint that two employees were having intercourse outside along the fence between Piney Ridge and Vantage Point. Gone on arrival.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident reported to staff that approximately a week prior, he almost fell outside, and now he is having pain in his left foot. An x-ray was performed in-house, but the results were not clear. The resident was taken to Ozark Orthopedic for examination.
Diagnosis: 5th metatarsal base fracture – avulsion fracture.
Resident will wear a boot and follow up in 4 weeks.
Notice of Incident, Peer Sexual Contact Forced, Visit Compliance Report
Resident reported that he was awoken by one of his roommate’s groping his private area over clothing and over his blankets while he was sleeping. The resident noticed his other roommate watching the interaction from his bed. The resident told his roommate to get off him. The roommate immediately stopped and got back into his bed with no further incident. The next morning, the resident’s other roommate stated he was the one who told the other roommate to grope the resident. The roommate denied that any sexual behavior occurred. The residents were separated and the roommate was moved to a single room to be assessed at a later date.
Licensing Specialist: Jarred Parnell
LS Parnell spoke to facility staff regarding the incident. The facility stated there is no video footage available for review. LS Parnell requested bed check logs.
This complaint has been Unfounded by Licensing.
Visit Compliance Report
Licensing Specialist (LS): Jarred Parnell
A buildings and grounds walkthrough was completed for the facility. All units and areas were inspected for safety and maintenance. All areas inside the units and the sleeping areas were inspected.
MARs were reviewed. All records were complete.
Police Report
Missing Person, Police Report
Officers responded to Piney Ridge for a missing person report at approximately 1734 hours.
At 2215 hours, officers located the boys running south down a boulevard. Officers were able to convince the boys to return to Piney Ridge. All three residents were transported back to the facility without incident.
Elopement, Notice of Incident
Three residents eloped from the facility as they were returning from an outing off campus. As they eloped, the residents took the gas card from the van. Staff members chased the residents but were unable to catch up to them. Fayetteville Police Department (FPD) was called at 1735 hours to report the residents as missing.
All three residents were returned to the facility by the FPD at 2306 hours. No injuries were noted for any of the three residents. Urine samples were ordered, and all three residents were placed on Unit restriction and elopement precautions. The residents will be suspended from outings.
Police Report
Elopement, Police Report
Officers responded to Piney Ridge for a missing person report at approximately 1907 hours.
Officers located the missing residents walking along the sidewalk at approximately 2045 hours and returned them to the facility without incident.
Elopement, Notice of Incident
At approximately 1900 hours, three residents were assisted by two of their peers in scaling and climbing the fence around the facility in order to elope. Staff attempted to stop them but were unsuccessful. Fayetteville Police Department was contacted.
Police returned all 3 residents to the facility at 2102 hours. A contraband search was completed upon arrival at the facility. All 3 residents admitted to smoking marijuana. All 3 residents were placed on elopement precautions for 24 hours. A blood draw and urine sample were taken by APRN order for all 3 residents.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm
Resident found a quarter. He later reported that he had obtained the quarter on pass. When Staff asked the resident to give up the quarter, he refused. The resident put the quarter in his mouth and swallowed it on accident.
No injuries reported or assessed.
An x-ray was ordered and the resident was placed on a liquid diet for 48 hours.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm, Visit Compliance Report
A resident lacerated his finger while pulling at the metal plate covering the outlet in his bedroom. He was taken to Washington Regional Medical Center, where he received stitches to his left index finger.
Licensing Specialist (LS): Jarred Parnell
6/5/24: Facility was visited to walk through the building and grounds and inspect outlet covers in the residential units for maintenance issues. The outlet cover from the incident was not loose or damaged at the inspection. LS Parnell spoke with the resident who stated that he was not trying to cut himself or loosen the outlet. The cut was accidental.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm, Visit Compliance Report
While outside, a resident swallowed a poison ivy plant. Staff tried to take the plant away from the resident but were unsuccessful. The resident also put soap and clay in her mouth.
The resident was given Benadryl per the doctor’s orders. An x-ray was completed on the resident’s abdomen. No remarkable findings. Resident was placed on a liquid diet for 48 hours and self-harm precautions for 24 hours.
Licensing Specialist (LS): Jarred Parnell
6/5/24 – Facility was visited to inspect the outdoor area for potential hazards.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm, Visit Compliance Report
Resident ate nonfood items while in the courtyard. She also made comments to staff that led to her being put on self-harm precautions. No injuries noted.
Licensing Specialist (LS): Jarred Parnell
LS Parnell visited the facility to inspect the outdoor area for hazards residents may encounter while outside.
Elopement, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
Residents were outside with staff around 8:00 PM, when two residents ran off the property. The Fayetteville Police Department was not notified until 9:45 PM.
One of the residents was located within 30 minutes by staff. He was placed on elopement precautions.
6/1/24: The second resident was located at a local Walmart after getting caught shoplifting. He was returned to the facility and was placed on elopement precautions.
Both residents were moved back to the main building and will process with their therapists.
Licensing Specialist (LS): Jarred Parnell
6/5/24: LS Parnell visited the facility in response to the incident. Inquiries were made to determine the amount of time elapsed between the residents eloping and the police contact. Facility administration directed staff on site to contact police approximately 36 minutes after elopement. Staff contacted police after searching for the second resident for 1.5 hours. Staff were retrained on when to contact police and response after an elopement occurs.
Police Report
Missing Person, Police Report
On May 31, 2024, at approximately 9:53 P.M., officers were dispatched to 4253 N. Crossover Rd. for a missing person. Upon arrival, officers made contact with the caller who stated that two juveniles had run away from this location at around 7:30 P.M. Officers searched the area for the juveniles but were unable to find them. Officers put out a BOLO for the juveniles and added them to the missing persons log.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident got into a fight with a peer. Resident punched peer in the jaw. Afterwards he complained of pain in his right hand. Nursing assessed his swollen hand and gave the order to take him to Physician Specialty hospital where an X-ray was completed.
Diagnosis: Right distal 5th metacarpal fracture.
Corrective action taken by the agency: Residents are not in the same room, they were both put on precautions for 24 hours. There is no viewable footage of this incident.