Joe Shapiro’s NPR series on the sexual abuse of people with intellectual disabilities can be found at: Abused and Betrayed . The series started Monday and runs through January 18th; however, by using the link provided, you can listen to any part of the series you may have missed. Following is a description of each part of the series, and when it airs:
Jan 8: Morning Edition. Correspondent Joe Shapiro talks about the series with host Steve Inskeep
Jan 8: All Things Considered: The epidemic of sexual abuse of people with intellectual disabilities. Numbers obtained by NPR show they are sexually assaulted at rates more than 7 times those for all adults without disabilities.
Jan 9: Morning Edition: A visit to a Sex Ed class for people with intellectual disabilities. They talk about how they want relationships, but how the sexual violence of their past often gets in the way.
Jan 10: All Things Considered: On cases that go unnoticed when people have difficulty communicating.
Jan 16: All Things Considered: Police and prosecutors are often reluctant to take these cases. NPR goes back to Essex County, New Jersey, where the first case to get widespread attention–in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, 25 years ago–was prosecuted. And look at what prosecutors have learned since.
Jan 18: Morning Edition: Therapists Nora Baladerian and Karyn Harvey talk about the stunning violence in the lives of their clients.
Jan 18: All Things Considered: Self-advocates speak–thoughtfully–of the effects of sexual violence. This piece is entirely in the voices of people with intellectual disabilities (plus Joe Shapiro).
There will be print stories (with photos and art) on-line: NPR