Did you know that over 500 Americans a day lose a limb? The three primary causes of limb loss are vascular disease (54%), trauma (45%) and cancer (2%); 65% involve lower limb loss, while 35% involve upper limb loss.
The Amputee Coalition (https://www.amputee-coalition.org/) is encouraging all amputees to proudly wear and show their devices (prosthetic and/or assistive) this Saturday (4/23/16) for “Show Your Mettle” day. The idea is for amputees to show their “mettle”, which means the ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way, while showing your “metal”, meaning your wheelchair, prosthetic device, etc. The Amputee Coalition is inviting all amputees (who feel comfortable) to post photos of themselves wearing their prosthesis, using their wheelchairs or just living their lives, using #ShowYourMettle throughout April on their social media platforms – Facebook (Facebook.com/AmputeeUSA), Instagram (Instagram.com/AmputeeCoalition) and Twitter (Twitter.com/AmputeesUSA).
To view an interesting graphic about limb loss facts and figures, click here: https://www.amputee-coalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/LLAM-Limb-Loss-in-the-USA-Web.pdf