The 93rd General Assembly convened earlier this month for their regular session. This group of legislators will consider thousands of bills and make hundreds of laws. They will make decisions that affect you, your family, and your community on a daily basis.
The Arkansas State Capitol is the People’s House. Public input is essential to ensuring that YOUR voice is heard at the Capitol. Tonight on Speak Up Arkansas, we’re going to talk about what to expect from this legislative session: what we’re watching, the bills we’re working on, what’s at stake for people with disabilities during the session, and how YOU can make sure your voice is heard.
You can listen in live tonight at 5:00 p.m. on KABF 88.3, livestream the show at kabf.org, and as always, you can listen to the recording anytime on our website at disabilityrightsAR.org/speak-up-arkansas.
Arkansas State Legislature website: arkleg.state.ar.us
- Find your representative/senator and their contact information
- Look up bills
- View agendas for house and senate sessions as well as committee meetings