Below is the final draft of DRA’s proposed priorities and objectives for fiscal year 2017. We welcome any input to this draft before the priorities and objectives are finalized, so feel free to contact us (but you need to do so by 9/16/16)! You can reach us through our Facebook page, through the contact form on this website, by calling 501-296-1775 V/TTY or (toll-free) 800-482-1174 V/TTY, or by writing us at: DRA, 400 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1200, Little Rock, AR 72201.
Draft Priorities and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2017
DRA Mission: To vigorously advocate for and enforce the legal rights of people with disabilities in Arkansas.
Priority 1: Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
Individuals with disabilities will be protected from abuse, neglect, and exploitation
Objective 1: Reduce incidents of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals with disabilities in institutional and community settings.
Objective 2: Reduce the use of harmful restraint and seclusion of individuals with disabilities in institutional and community settings.
Objective 3: Improve community understanding and awareness of abuse, neglect, and exploitation in institutional and community settings, and increase the ability of individuals with disabilities and others to advocate for changes needed to reduce and eliminate abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Objective 4: Monitor current and proposed legislation, regulations, rules, and policies to address the systemic causes of abuse, neglect, and exploitation in institutional and community settings.
Priority 2: Community Integration and Access
Individuals with disabilities will be integrated into the community and have access to programs and services in the community.
Objective 1: Improve access to community-based services and settings for individuals with disabilities who are institutionalized or at risk of institutionalization.
Objective 2: Ensure individuals who are being discharged or transferred from institutional settings have access to adequate supports and services in the community.
Objective 3: Reduce architectural barriers that prevent individuals with disabilities from accessing public and private locations.
Objective 4: Reduce barriers that deny program access to individuals with disabilities.
Objective 5: Ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to exercise the right to vote.
Objective 6: Improve community understanding and awareness of the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for community integration and access, and increase the ability of individuals with disabilities and others to advocate for changes needed to ensure community integration and access.
Objective 7: Monitor current and proposed legislation, regulations, rules, and policies to address the systemic causes that inhibit community integration and access rights of individuals with disabilities.
Priority 3: Employment
Individuals with disabilities will have access to vocational rehabilitation services, employment and post-secondary education.
Objective 1: Promote meaningful access to vocational rehabilitation services and supports needed for competitive employment in the community.
Objective 2: Improve access to reasonable accommodations needed to obtain, maintain, or return to competitive employment in the community.
Objective 3: Improve access to reasonable accommodations needed for post-secondary education.
Objective 4: Monitor current and proposed legislation, regulations, rules, and policies that impact access to competitive employment for persons with disabilities.
Priority 4: Education
Youth with disabilities will have access to a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment and to transition planning and services.
Objective 1: Ensure that youth with disabilities are identified and not excluded from school in response to behaviors related to their disability.
Objective 2: Ensure that youth with disabilities are provided with an education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to meet their needs.
Objective 3: Ensure that youth with disabilities have access to meaningful transition evaluation, planning, and services as part of their public education.
Objective 4: Reduce the use of harmful restraint and seclusion of youth with disabilities in educational settings.
Objective 5: Monitor current and proposed legislation, regulations, rules, and policies that impact education for students with disabilities.