Disability Rights Arkansas
Priorities/Objectives for Fiscal Year 2019:
DRA Mission: To vigorously advocate for and enforce the legal rights of people with disabilities in Arkansas.
Priority 1: To protect people with disabilities from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Objective 1: Individuals with disabilities will be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Priority 2: To make sure people with disabilities can live in the community if they choose to.
Objective 1: Individuals with disabilities will have access to community-based services that allow and support their ability to live in the community.
Objective 2: Individuals with disabilities who are being discharged or transferred from facilities and institutions will have access to adequate plans and services to support their transition to the community.
Objective 3: Youth with disabilities ages 0 to 21 years old who have been denied or unable to access medically necessary services, including mental and behavioral health services and Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy services, will be able to access those services.
Objective 4: Individuals with disabilities will have access to needed health and behavioral health services, including Medicaid services.
Objective 5: Individuals with disabilities will have access to assistive technology evaluations, devices and services and durable medical equipment.
Priority 3: To make sure people with disabilities have equal access to places, programs and services and are not excluded due to their disabilities.
Objective 1: Individuals with disabilities will have access to effective communication.
Objective 2: Individuals with disabilities will have architectural access to public and private facilities and programs.
Objective 3: Individuals with disabilities will have the right to be supported by service animals and/or assistance animals consistent with federal and state laws.
Priority 4: To make sure that youth with disabilities are not excluded from public educational settings and are able to attend school with needed supports and services.
Objective 1: Students with disabilities who are being suspended, expelled, arrested at school, referred to law enforcement or the courts, or placed on home-bound placement by schools will receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
Objective 2: Students with disabilities will be provided with health plans and nursing services necessary to ensure their ability to attend school.
Objective 3: Students with disabilities will not be prematurely exited from school or denied equal access to a diploma in violation of federal and state laws.
Priority 5: To make sure that people with disabilities have access to inclusive post-secondary education opportunities.
Objective 1: Individuals with disabilities will have equal opportunity to attend non-segregated post-secondary school settings.
Objective 2: Individuals with disabilities will have reasonable accommodations in post-secondary school settings.
Priority 6: To make sure that people with disabilities have access to opportunities for integrated, competitive employment in the community.
Objective 1: Individuals with disabilities will receive vocational rehabilitation services.
Objective 2: Individuals with disabilities will have access to reasonable accommodations in the work place.
Objective 3: Individuals with disabilities will be free from discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, including in connection with hiring, firing, and promotion.
Objective 4: Individuals with disabilities will have access to employment in the community and the right to be paid competitive wages for that employment.
Priority 7: To promote self-advocacy and self-determination for people with disabilities
Objective 1: Individuals with disabilities will understand their rights.
Objective 2: Individuals with disabilities will learn to become effective self-advocates.
Objective 3: Individuals with disabilities will have the ability to make their own decisions and choices.
Priority 8: To make sure that people with disabilities can vote
Objective 1: Individuals with disabilities will register to vote.
Objective 2: Individuals with disabilities will be free from architectural barriers at polling places.
Objective 3: Individuals with disabilities will have access to assistive technology and accommodations needed to vote.