The Board of Directors of Disability Rights Arkansas, Inc. (DRA) met on September 23, 2015, in the DRA Conference Room, 1100 N. University, Suite 201, Little Rock, Arkansas 72207.
Members Present: Staff Present:
Cherokee Bradley, President Tom Masseau
Fred Reinheardt, Vice President Greg Hankins
Kim Weser, Secretary Debra Poulin
John Lee Roberts, PAIMI/AC Chair Susan Milburn
Traci Perrin
Kimberly Marshall
Lorrie Thiel
Mark George
Teresa Dodson
Members Absent: Guest:
Monica Pratt Diana Tucker
Kaderick Jones
Toney Bailey
President Cherokee Bradley called the meeting to order at 11:03 p.m. President Bradley welcomed those present. Members present introduced themselves.
Consent Agenda:
The Consent Agenda consisted of the following items:
Approval of Agenda
Minutes from July 29, 2015 Board meeting
Minutes from Executive Committee, August 27, 2015
DRA Executive Director and Staff Reports
President Bradley made the following changes to the agenda: 1) the DRA Financials were moved right under the Consent Agenda, and 2) Evaluation of the Executive Director was moved under the DRA Financials. The rest of the agenda remained the same.
Traci Perrin moved that the Consent Agenda be approved with the two changes made by President Bradley. Kimberly Marshall seconded and the motion passed.
DRA Financials
Financial Quarterly Report:
Greg Hankins, Finance Director, discussed the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 9/10/2015 and answered questions from board members. Mr. Masseau explained to the board our process in holding grant money for People First and their involvement with Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (Our Community Standing Strong).
Lorrie Thiel moved that the fourth quarter financials be approved. Mark George seconded and the motion passed.
Fiscal Year 2016 Budget – Approval:
The board discussed the FY 16 budget. The topics discussed were: conferences and staff trainings, wage increases, rent, web site design needs, office supplies, and contracts.
Traci Perrin moved that the discussion on the budget be tabled until after the priorities and objectives were approved. Kimberly Marshall seconded and the motion passed.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
The board went into an Executive Session at 12:19.
The board resumed its regular session at 1:44 with Tom Masseau presenting a plaque to Traci Perrin for her long service to the board.
Lorrie Thiel moved and John Lee Roberts seconded that the Executive Committee will meet to determine a merit increase for the Executive Director based on the 1.5% poll available in the budget. The motion passed.
Approval of FY 2016 Priorities and Objectives:
Traci Perrin moved and Mark George seconded to table the FY 2016 Priorities and Objective and proceed to By-Laws. The motion passed.
Approval of DRA Board Bylaws:
Fred Reinheardt explained the changes that were made to the Bylaws and they were disseminated to the board. Lorrie Thiel moved that the amended DRA Bylaws be approved. John Lee Roberts seconded and the motion passed.
PAIMI Advisory Council Report:
John Lee Roberts reported that a lot of changes happened with the composition of the Council. They lost four members and gained one from the northeastern part of the state, making their total number of members eight.
The Council was in the process of evaluating its Policies and Procedures manual and actively recruiting for new members. The Council will be working closely with John Jones in his new role with Disability Rights Arkansas.
Approval of FY 2016 Priorities and Objectives:
Tom Masseau explained that in order for the agency to get the best bang for its buck in FY 2016, it must push for more systemic changes. Monitoring work in the Human Development Centers will be more focused toward systemic changes. The same goes for education. Special education work will be geared toward statewide systemic changes.
The major priorities for FY 2016 are:
Community & Institutions
Juvenile Justice
Traci Perrin moved that the FY 2016 DRA Priorities and Objectives be approved. Lorrie Thiel seconded and the motion passed.
Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Approval:
Fred Reinheardt moved to approve the DRA 2016 budget including allocating a 1.5% merit increase ($11,000) to be distributed based on evaluations. Kimberly Marshall seconded and the motion passed.
Discussion on Current Office Lease:
Tom Masseau disseminated a report outlining the options provided by RPM on our current lease and on available property on the 12th floor of the downtown Regions building.
He reported that no decision had been made yet on either option and updated the board on parking and rental options for both properties. The pros and cons of moving or staying at our current location were discussed. Tom will continue discussing options with Regions and report back to the Executive Committee if decisions are needed.
DD Council Report:
Mr. Masseau updated the board on the DD Council’s situation since their cease and desist order and on being moved to the Department of Finance and Administration. Mr. Masseau is on the Oversight Committee and one of their tasks is to update the Council’s bylaws. He stated that the DD Council was at a standstill on moving forward in any direction. Governor Hutchinson will appoint a Chair and Vice Chair and members will be selected.
Board Governance Report:
Fred Reinheardt said that board officers would now be serving a two-year term. The slate of officers nominated by the Governance Committee remained the same with the exception of the Secretary. The two nominees for Secretary were Teresa Dodson and Kaderick Jones. After voting by paper ballot, Teresa Dodson was named Secretary.
The slate of officers for 2016 is:
Cherokee Bradley, President
Fred Reinheardt, Vice President
Toney Bailey, Treasurer
Teresa Dodson, Secretary
Audit Committee Report:
Kimberly Marshall reported that the closest audit company that came within the range of what DRA needed in an auditor was JPMS Cox. They were interviewed by the Committee on September 11th.
Ms. Marshall was asked to justify the price increase by going with JPMS Cox as opposed to the current auditor, Przybysz. She said that Przybysz was disqualified because they did not meet all of the qualifications outlined in the RFP. That left a pool of three audit companies and JPMS Cox was chosen over those three.
Kimberly Marshall moved that JPMS Cox be approved as the audit company for DRA. Kim Weser seconded and the motion passed. Their contract will be for a two year period. Tom Masseau will draft the contract and notify the company
Public Policy Committee:
Kaderick Jones, Chair, was absent, so there was no report.
Tom Masseau reminded members to honor their commitment to the board committees on which they serve. He also urged them to get out and find donors for our agency and to donate on their own.
The meeting was adjourned by President Bradley at 2:55 p.m.