Officers responded to the facility in regards to a burglar alarm. Officers made contact with staff who advised that it was a false alarm. All occupants are okay.
Police Report
Alarm, Police Report
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Location: Little Rock, AR
Population Served: Youth ages 5-18
# of residents per unit: Up to 8 | Residents per room: 1-3 | Capacity: 82 beds (PRTF and residential) |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Facility declined to provide specifics regarding call frequency or schedule
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? No |
Clinical Director - LCSW
Therapists: Facility declined to identify, report number employed, or share credential status of any therapists.
Treatment modalities offered: Facility declined to identify any specific modalities available.
# of individual therapy sessions/week: Facility declined to provide a number or range.
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: Facility declined to provide a number or range.
Police Report
Alarm, Police Report
Officers responded to the facility in regards to a burglar alarm. Officers made contact with staff who advised that it was a false alarm. All occupants are okay.
Elopement, Notice of Incident
On Thursday, June 13, 2024, a client eloped from the facility, by climbing over a fence with assistance from a peer, while the residents were outside in the courtyard. The eloped resident was found near the facility and returned to the campus with staff.
Police were not called. The client was assessed by a nurse upon return to the facility.
Police Report
Non Police Incident, Police Report
Non-police incident. No report.
Police Report
Assist, Police Report
Assistance was requested for an involuntary commitment.
Visit Compliance Report
Licensing Specialist (LS): Tara Norton
LS Norton and Program Coordinator (PC) Rice completed buildings and grounds for Elizabeth Mitchell Adolescent Center (EMAC).
The following areas were observed: administration building, therapy hallways, kitchen/dining area, laundry rooms, “Cozy Corner”, classrooms, bathrooms, and Dorms 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The grounds at EMAC were well-maintained, clean and free of safety hazards. All bathrooms observed were clean and sanitary, with functional sinks, toilets, and water. Bedrooms were clean and fairly organized. All dorms were within ratio. Kitchen and dining areas appeared clean and sanitary. Staff was observed preparing food. No issues noted.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
On 6/2/2024, a client was in a physical altercation with a peer. During the altercation, the client’s left thumb was hit and began to swell. An x-ray was ordered. The client was transported to Arkansas Children’s Hospital for evaluation. Both residents were placed on precautions.
Diagnosis: Acute fracture to left thumb.
Forced Sexual Contact, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, an incident occurred at Elizabeth Mitchell Children’s Center (EMCC) involving two male clients and one female client. The female client was in a bedroom on the East Dorm and a male client walked into the bedroom and pushed the female client onto the bed and laid across her chest and head area. A second male client walked into the bedroom and laid on top of both clients. The second male client appeared to be touching the female client over the clothes in the vaginal area. Staff responded to the room and intervened immediately. The female client was moved to another dorm. Both male clients were placed on precautions.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
5/20/24 – Program Coordinator (PC) and Licensing Specialist (LS) Norton reviewed camera footage and requested safety play, nursing notes and precautions.
PC followed up with facility regarding any disciplinary actions for staff member present the day of the incident. Facility reported that they spoke with the staff member involved and discussed maintaining client safety and reviewed knowledge of precautions.
Facility was cited for 405.5: Child caring staff did not provide the level of supervision necessary to ensure safety and well-being of each resident on the East Dorm.
Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
Complaint Received: The facility houses young girls and boys in the same dorm. 8-year-old girl was sexually molested by two male peers. Facility runs incredibly understaffed; putting both clients and staff in danger. Staff frequently refuses to let clients call their families for extended periods of time. Facility does not maintain proper hygiene boxes or products on a regular basis. Roaches and ants can be found in the kitchen and laundry rooms. Staff are verbally and emotionally abusive to young clients.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
This case is tied to case #021327, which is being investigated separately.
6/4/24 – Program Coordinator (PC) reviewed buildings and grounds of Elizabeth Mitchell Children’s Center (EMCC). PC observed the laundry and dining area. Facility reports that pest control comes weekly.
6/5/24 – PC completed buildings and grounds of Elizabeth Mitchell Adolescent Center (EMAC). Licensing Specialist observed two laundry rooms, kitchen and dining area. No evidence of pests or insects.
6/11/24 – PC interviewed residents at EMAC and EMCC.
6/21/24 – PC observed hygiene containers for the residents and ratio at EMCC.
6/25/24 – PC observed ratio and hygiene containers at EMAC.
6/28/24 – PC inquired about safety plan for co-ed dorm. Facility reported that staffing was increased to two (2) in the co-ed dorm, one for the boys and one for the girls. Staff are also required to have a visual of the hallway and dayroom.
This complaint was UNFOUNDED by Licensing.
Visit Compliance Report
Licensing Specialist: Chelsea Vardell
Program Manager and Program Coordinator met with facility staff to discuss recent complaints and citations regarding staff/child ratio. Facility staff recognized difficulty in maintaining staff. The facility has implemented a 60-day plan for bonus/overtime for staff and a new hire bonus. Two recreational staff now work 3:00pm – 11:00 pm shift to provide activities for residents. Facility anticipates being fully staffed by the end of May 2024.
Licensing will continue to work with the facility and monitor their progress with hiring and maintaining staff to ensure staff/child ratios are kept on all shifts.
Acute Placement, Notice of Incident
On 5/8/2024, client became dysregulated. Client was transported to Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH) by EMS and was later accepted for acute treatment at Pinnacle Pointe. Client will not be returning to the Centers.
Facility reported that the resident became dysregulated because she was not allowed to go on an outing due to behaviors.
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
A report to Licensing stated staff member puts her hands on residents and targets them. It was also reported that the staff member threw a food tray at a resident, pinned a resident up against a wall, got in the face of a resident, and used profanity toward the resident.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
5/1/2024, Program Coordinator Rice and Licensing Specialist Norton interviewed 12 residents regarding a complaint.
Residents from Dorm 4 reported that the staff member was observed “putting her hands on residents.”
Residents from Dorm 3 reported that the staff member threw a tray of food at a resident and pinned a resident up against a wall, yelling at residents for no reason.
Residents from Dorm 2 reported that the staff member shoved a resident. A resident reported that she heard her peers discussing how the staff member threw a tray of food at a resident.
Residents from Dorm 1 reported that the staff member targets the residents. A resident reported that the staff member had pinned her against a wall, pushed and “got in the face” of another resident and used profanity toward the resident.
This complaint has been UNFOUNDED by Licensing
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
Youth advised her caseworker that staff was spraying female adolescents in the face with Lysol due to coughing while on quarantine. Staff instructed youth not to cough on them, and youth verbalized that if staff kept spraying her in the face, she was going to cough on them. Staff sprayed youth in face again and youth attempted to remove the can of Lysol from staff’s possession. It is alleged that two youth were sprayed during this time.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice, Tara Norton
Program Coordinator Rice and Licensing Specialist Norton interviewed 12 residents from EMAC. Some residents disclosed that staff sprayed Lysol in the face of a peer. This incident occurred while residents were being quarantined on Dorm 4.
Licensing Specialist Norton visited the facility to review video footage. Before footage was reviewed, it was determined that accused staff was not at work that day. It should be noted that camera footage is only retained for 5 days, therefore, any date before 4/27/24 is no longer available for review.
This complaint has been UNFOUNDED by licensing.
Police Report
Officers made contact with Ms. Clary at the listed address. She advised that her staff found listed items in a black box inside an unknown room. Ms. Clary advised she wanted police to secure or destroy the items. Items were taken and stored in the Northwest Property Room for destruction.
Police Report
Officers were dispatched to this location in reference to a disturbance. Upon arrival, officers made contact with Ms. Sandra Williams, employee. Ms. Williams advised that she was in an altercation with a 16 year old juvenile. The juvenile became irate when told they would have to wait to retrieve personal items, and pushed Ms. Williams two times. Officers provided Ms. Williams with an incident number and advised her of the process to seek warrants if she chooses to do so.
Notice of Incident, Suicide Attempt
Client exited shower and staff observed blood on her neck. Client stated that she had cut herself with her fingernails, then began making suicidal ideation comments and stated that she wanted to go back where she came from. The client was transferred to Acute placement at Bridgeway.
4/18/24 – Per facility via email: “After further review of records related to this incident, we are considering this incident a suicide attempt and updating our report to you to reflect that. While in the nurses’ station having the cut cleaned, the client told the nurse that she didn’t cut herself with her fingernails and admitted to having a small piece of metal. The client ran out of the nurses’ station into the cafeteria where staff were able to get the metal item from her.
4/22/24 – Per facility, the resident will not be returning.
Police Report
False Alarm
Officers arrived at facility for an alarm. Officers met with staff who advised it was accidental.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation, Visit Compliance Report
Client got into a physical altercation with another client in the classroom. Victim was hit in the head several times by the other client. Staff intervened quickly and the victim was assessed by the nurse. Little Rock Police Department arrived at the facility with MEMS EMS. Victim was transported to Arkansas Children’s Hospital by MEMS to be checked out due to complaints of neck and head pain. Victim was shortly released from ACH and diagnosed with a concussion.
Licensing Specialist: Tara Norton
4/17/24 – Facility visited and video reviewed of incident.
Acute Placement, Notice of Incident
Client was transported to Bridgeway Acute due to being verbally and physically aggressive towards multiple peers. 4/22/24, Per facility, Client will not be returning to the facility.
Police Report
EMS Assist
Officers responded to location to secure scene for MEMS on a juvenile patient, Victim 1. Victim 1 advised officers that Suspect 1, another patient at this facility, slammed her head against a desk repeatedly, resulting in visible redness. An employee at the facility advised officers that she witnessed the incident. Victim 1 was transported to Arkansas Children’s Hospital for evaluation.
Visit Compliance Report
Licensing Specialist: Tara Norton
Buildings & Grounds completed. Census: 46. The following areas were observed: administration building, therapy hallways, dining areas, classrooms, bathrooms, nurse’s station, medication room, storage closet, lobby areas, and “cozy corner”.
MARs were reviewed. All were initialed and up to date.
Police Report
Non Police Incident
Contact was made with employee who advised that no assistance was required. No further action was taken at this time.
Police Report
EMS Assist
EMS assist. The subject went with MEMS without incident.
Complaint, Notice of Incident
Licensing was informed that facility is out of ratio between the hours of 3pm to 11pm. Reporter stated that staff has addressed their concerns to management about being out of ratio.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice
On 4/4/2024, Licensing completed an after hour visit at EMAC and one dorm (New Dorm) at EMCC.
Police Report
Hang Up
Officers made contact with facility receptionist who advised that one of the children dialed the phone, attempting to get an outside line.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Client was in speech therapy. Facility reported that the therapist, an outside contractor, was unaware of client’s peanut allergy and gave them a mini Snicker bar. Guardian was notified and client was transferred to Arkansas Children’s Hospital where they were treated for the peanut allergy and returned back to the Center’s facility. Facility will address the resident’s allergy with speech therapist.