During routine camera view on 12/18/2023 by the nurse (Shellie L), staff was seen pushing and kneeing client in the groin. Client was examined by the nurse. Bilateral testicles slightly red. No bruising or open area present. A call to the child abuse hotline was completed and accepted . Staff was immediately terminated upon view of camera footage.
Licensing Specialist: Chelsea Vardell
Program Manager and DON Shellie Loggins reviewed camera footage for 12/17/23 from 13:20-14:30. Video showed staff member (alleged offender) escorting youth to the gaming room, then supervising them. The staff has the “little boys” group which is comprised of the youngest residents. The alleged victim is older and is reported to belong in the “big boys” group. It is unknown why his is with this group and staff member during this time. Resident and staff are casually talking while the younger residents play games. At one point all residents and staff are staring at the TV screen with their mouths open and some of the boys begin laughing. No view of the TV is available to determine what they are looking at, however two residents reported it to be pornographic material. Further review shows alleged victim and offender with their feet propped on a chair between them. They stand up and push one another in a seemingly playful manner. Staff looks over her shoulder down the hallway, approaches resident and knees him in the groin. Resident bends over and appears to be in pain. Staff ushers other residents out of the room then exits. Resident slaps staff on the butt. Staff jumps in reaction, but does not redirect the resident, nor was any report made about this contact.
In response to the pornographic material being shown on a gaming system, the facility has removed the system.
Facility was cited (109.1.g) for the unprofessional conduct of staff, as she engaged in behavior that could be viewed as sexual, dangerous, exploitative, or physically harmful to children.
This complaint has been Founded by Licensing. CACD investigation found TRUE.