- Other – Swallowed Object
- Client became non-compliant, refused to leave foyer area, and began to use a marker to color before breaking it in half. After client was instructed by staff to hand the marker over, client asked “what do you think would happen if I swallow this”. The client then placed it in her mouth, showed it to staff on her tongue and swallowed it. Staff then took the client to bathroom for a full body search to make sure she didn’t have other items. Nursing assessed the client and gave her Bisacodyl so she could use the bathroom to release the item. X-ray was ordered and item was not found during the x-ray.
- Staff were informed that the involved client is to not be allowed access to the following: markers, pens, pencils, or sharp instruments. The client is also monitored during meals to ensure she does not bring back utensils with her.
Notice of Incident