Staff stated 2 Juveniles ran away. Shortly after Officers completed a broadcast, communications advised both Juveniles had been located and they were returned to facility without incident.
Police Report
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Methodist Children’s Home operates multiple programs on a single campus. Police responses to this campus often do not identify the program they are responding to. All reports plausibly related to the PRTF or Qualified Residential Treatment Program/Group Home (QRTP) have been included here. Where we can be certain the response was to the QRTP it is noted.
Location: Little Rock, AR Population Served: Children and adolescents in need of out of home psychiatric care in a residential setting
# of residents per unit: 20 | Residents per room: 1 | Capacity: 40 |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Clients have regularly scheduled phone call opportunities. The number of actual calls depends on the clients wish to utilize these opportunities. In person visitation (assuming no quarantine precautions) is available every weekend and can be scheduled at other times as needed by the family or guardian.
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? Yes |
Clinical Director: LCSW Therapists: 1 full-time therapist (LCSW)
Treatment modalities offered: Facility declined to identify any specific treatment modalities available
# of individual therapy sessions/week: Minimum 1 per week scheduled. May vary upon the treatment plan of the client.
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: Minimum of 1 with 2 preferred.
Police Report
Staff stated 2 Juveniles ran away. Shortly after Officers completed a broadcast, communications advised both Juveniles had been located and they were returned to facility without incident.
Police Report
Staff stated Juvenile had ran away for the third time that day. Staff stated Juvenile said he thinks someone wants to beat him up, so he jumped the fence. Juvenile was picked up by an Officer and returned to facility.
Police Report
Stored Property
Staff called to report some items Juveniles had after returning to facility (9/19/20 Runaway Reports). Officers unable to locate owners of found property.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff stated Juveniles 2 & 3 ran away at approximately 0845 hours. Staff stated Juveniles waited until she did her checks, changed clothes and left facility through the back door. Juvenile 2 was cleared from ACIC/NCIC on 9/20/20 at 2130. Per Officers, Juvenile 3 was returned to facility on 9/21/20 at 1100.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff advised Officers that Juvenile fled from facility at 1620 hours, jumping fence. Juvenile was cleared from ACIC/NCIC on 9/20/20 at 2137.
Police Report
Juveniles parent stated she was trying to take Juvenile to facility where they have a room ready, when Juvenile jumped out of car & ran off; Officers drove Juvenile to facility and met with staff who checked Juvenile in.
Police Report
Officers were dispatched to facility in reference to runaway Juveniles; While in route, Officers located Juveniles and transported both back to the facility.
Police Report
Officers located 2 runaway Juveniles at gas station and transported them back to facility. An hour later, Officers were dispatched to facility in reference to those same 2 Juveniles running away again. On 9/12/20 at approximately 0815 hours, Officers located both Juveniles and returned them to facility.
Police Report
Non Police Incident
Kids riding four wheeler at this location according to call notes. Officers arrived and did not locate this. No police action.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff stated 2 Juveniles ran away from location at approximately 1745 hours. Officers located the Juveniles at approximately 2138 hours and transported them back to the facility.
Police Report
Non Police Incident
Medical transport.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff stated 2 Juveniles left the facility. Officers turned in Missing Person Forms to Communications for each Juvenile.
Police Report
Information Report
AR CARES – Person was in facility with infant that DHS advised facility that DHS was taking custody of infant and not to allow person to leave; infant given to DHS without incident.
Police Report
Staff reported Resident as run away; Resident returned to facility before officers responded.
Police Report
Assault Third Degree
Resident tried to wrap towel around staff face; Resident removed towel and stated it was joke; no injuries reported.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff reported that two Residents had runaway, stated that Residents runaway on weekly basis and always return.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff reported that two Residents had runaway, stated that Residents are frequent runaways.
Police Report
Resident returned before officers arrived.
Police Report
Resident located and returned without incident.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff reported two Residents had runaway; residents found and returned to facility 8/18/2020 at 1640 hours; one Resident taken to Children’s Hospital due to injury to arm from jumping fences.
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
QRTP – Resident and peer were in altercation; Resident received nose bleed; peer had redness around eye.
Police Report
Staff reported two Residents had runaway; Residents found and returned to facility without incident.
Police Report
QRTP – Resident ran away and returned without incident upon officers arrival.
Police Report
Resident was safe in room when officers arrived.
Police Report
Resisting Arrest, Use of Force
QRTP – Resident was being aggressive, making suicidal and homicidal threats; Resident began to walk away and police placed Resident in handcuffs and in back of police car until MEMs arrived; Resident transported to behavior facility via MEMs.