Resident was sent to Forrest City Medical Center for continuance of care to receive a splint to left hand after complaint of pain to Nurses. Resident jammed his finger while playing basketball.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Location: Forrest City, AR
Population Served: Males ages 12-17 and a specialized sexual rehabilitative unit for males ages 12-17
# of residents per unit: Up to 21 | Residents per room: 1-3 (SRU has 1 or 3, never 2) | Capacity: 66 |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Calls 2x/week.
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? Yes |
Clinical Director - LPC-TA
Therapists: 3 full-time therapists (1 LCSW, 1 LPC, 1 LMSW); 2 part-time/contract therapists (1 LCSW ACSW, 1 LAC)
Treatment modalities offered: DBT, CBT, TF-CBT, Person-Centered, Narrative, Reality, Anger Replacement Therapy
# of individual therapy sessions/week: 1x/week
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: 3x/week
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent to Forrest City Medical Center for continuance of care to receive a splint to left hand after complaint of pain to Nurses. Resident jammed his finger while playing basketball.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm
Resident was sent to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to right hand after complaint of pain to Nurses. Resident describes the complaint of pain coming from punching walls. Resident describes “too much was going on” around him. He shares this is what he typically does when he feels overwhelmed. This behavior has been reported to his Therapist and he also shares that he has his “coping toy” which has been helping him.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to left hand, pinky finger after complaint of pain to Nurses. Resident describes the pain as coming from jamming his finger while playing basketball. Diagnosis: Small avulsion off the proximal palmar surface of the middle phalanx of the fifth finger. Resident is on activity restriction until Orthopedic consult 04/08/2024.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent out by order of Physician to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment of right knee. Resident describes the complaint of pain coming from “moving wrong and had to see the nurses” while playing basketball. Resident is on activity restriction until 4/5/24. Diagnosis: No acute fracture or dislocation. Mild prepatellar soft tissue swelling.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent out by order of Physician to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment of left knee. Resident complained of pain after falling while playing outside. Resident is on activity restriction until 04/04/2024. Diagnosis: L knee pain/swelling. No acute fracture or dislocation. Two cannulated screws through the tibial tuberosity are in place and intact, mild prepatellar soft tissue swelling.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident presented to nurse’s station and informed the nurse he had breathing and congestion, a rash between his buttocks, a laceration behind his right ear, and that his urine was brown. APRN was notified and an order obtained to send resident to FCMC for further evaluation and treatment for shortness of breath.
Chest x-ray conducted with no abnormal findings. EKG results: “Sinus rhythm with occasional premature ventricular complexes. Possible Inferior infarct.” Cardiac consult pending at Le Bonheur. Lab (urinalysis with C&S) was ordered for the discoloration of the urine. Hydrocortisone 1% apply topically between buttock twice daily for 7 days for skin irritation of the buttock. Order to clean right ear with antibacterial soap daily times 5 days and apply TAO daily topically for 7 days (laceration to ear due to “poor hygiene, lack of cleanliness”).
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident complained of nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. APRN was notified and an order was obtained to send resident to FCMC for further evaluation and treatment. Diagnosis: Contusion of unspecified part of head. Instructed to return if condition worsens. (Contusion was caused by incident on 3/27/24 in which resident hit his head against a peer while playing sports)
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
While playing sports resident hit his head against another peer which caused a laceration to the right forehead above his eye. First aid administered. APRN was notified and an order was obtained to send resident to FCMC for further evaluation and treatment. Diagnosis: laceration without foreign body or right eye lid and periocular area. Resident received 7 sutures to the affected area and advised to return 7 to 10 for suture removal.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his right hand after complaint of pain. Swelling noted and Resident had a jammed finger. Resident’s original fracture healed improperly.
03/25/24 Mr. Morris advised that this youth injured his finger while playing basketball. Diagnosis: Healing type 2 Salter fracture through the base of the first metacarpal remains mildly displaced (previously fractured thumb on 2/14).
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his hip and lumbar after complaint of pain for last five days. Resident describes the pain starting “after the big brawl” referring to a group/peer physical altercation. Diagnosis: Low back pain, R hip pain. No acute fracture or significant subluxation to back, no fracture or dislocation to hip.
Follow up email sent regarding “big brawl”. Agency responded as follows: The “big brawl” is referring to the occurrence on 03.05.2024. This “brawl” began in the gym over a misunderstanding over who threw the ball at him (the peer) and was blamed. The fight continued outside where he fell on concrete. First aid was administered. After investigation, the Safety Team discussed this with all parties involved for accountability’s sake and the residents reconciled. We have not had any more fights between those two residents since.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his right hand after complaint of pain. Ice pack applied and ibuprofen administered. Injury is from Resident punching a wall. No acute fracture or dislocation.
Notice of Incident, Self-Harm
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his right hand after complaint of pain. Redness and swelling noted and Resident diagnosed with Boxer Fracture. Injury is from Resident punching a wall. Resident received splint and will have follow up in 5-6 days to place cast.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his left hand after a nodule was noticed. ER Diagnosis: Left hand injury, nodule to wrist. No acute fracture or dislocation.
The agency reported this resident developed the cyst on his hand and they took him for medical treatment for it. It was not an injury.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his right hand due to complaint of pain from an altercation with a peer 03/10/2024. Resident is recovering well. Youth are on peer restriction from each other until mediation is completed.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his nose after getting hit in his nose during an altercation with another peer. Diagnosis: Trauma to nose. No acute nasal bone fracture. No more issues with his nose, pain has subsided. Residents are on peer restriction until mediation is complete.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his head after hitting his head against a wall during an altercation with another peer. Diagnosis: Blunt head trauma. Discharge instructions: RICE Therapy. Neuro-checks were completed and will be conducted again 03.13.24. Youth is doing well, no further complications with his head injury.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his left hand after an altercation with another peer. ER Diagnosis: Left hand pain & swelling. No acute fracture or dislocation. Youth is better. No further issues with his hand. Residents were put on peer restriction until mediation is completed.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his right hand due to complaint of pain from playing basketball. No acute fractures or displacements found. Resident was on activity restriction for 24 hrs. and RICE (rest ice compression elevation) was administered. Swelling is down today, and resident is back to normal activities.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to his nose from trauma to his nose after getting hit by another Resident in an altercation. Discharge paperwork notes no fractures and recommended ibuprofen for pain. There have been no further complications with his nose injury. Residents are on peer restriction until mediation is completed.
Maltreatment, Notice of Incident, Visit Compliance Report
Resident alleged to Nurse that a staff member punched and choked him. Nurse called the allegation into the AR child abuse hotline. Internal investigation: Camera review was conducted and multiple residents, including alleged victim, were interviewed. Written statements were collected 3/7/24. No bruising, injury, or discoloration noted on nursing evaluation. Alleged staff will remain on suspension pending the investigation. While internal findings do not lead to abuse/maltreatment at this time, protocol of going into Resident room without immediate supervision at the door was not followed. Policy will be reviewed with Staff by Program Director.
Licensing Specialist: Eleanor White.
Camera footage was reviewed on 03/07/24 and verified resident was walked out of his room in a restraint hold by staff member following a pencil and staff’s badge being thrown into the hall from resident’s room. Once in the hallway, staff used unnecessary force in taking the child to the floor. It did not appear that resident was resisting the restraint hold by staff before being taken to the floor. Facility staff explained that the staff member may have been escalated from being poked in the back by a pencil by the resident prior to the restraint. The facility SAMA instructor also viewed the camera footage with licensing and expressed concerns about the staff’s conduct during the restraint. This staff member is SAMA certified. His certification expires 06/13/24.
The CACD case was unsubstantiated. Licensing unfounded this complaint regarding the punching and choking of resident due to no camera in the resident’s bedroom. However, video review did show the staff member failing to use the minimal force necessary during the restraint hold. The staff (alleged offender) was terminated from the facility.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment to left knee due to complaint of pain after attempting a layup while playing basketball in the gym. Resident returned from ER with ace bandage to left knee that is to be worn for 3 days and taken off at bedtime. He is also on activity restrictions for 3 days. Facility provided wheelchair to resident for further transportation accommodations.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for further assessment due to complaint of dizziness. Resident initially refused to go to the ER in order not to miss his pass with his mother and informed Safety team he was “faking it.” Resident was still assessed at FCMC. Diagnosis: Moderate protein-calorie malnutrition.
Police Report
Drug Complaint
Caller advised they have a resident they have found drugs on.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for x-ray due to complaint of face pain on 2/24/24.
Licensing requested via email that agency elaborate as to what the surrounding circumstances were regarding this incident. Agency’s response via email: “[resident] was kicked in the face during an altercation with another peer by said peer resulting in the facial pain. Upon his return yesterday, he denied any pain/discomfort. None reported today as well.”
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation
Resident was sent out to Forrest City Medical Center for x-ray due to complaint of face pain on 2/25/24.
Licensing requested via email that agency elaborate as to what the surrounding circumstances were regarding this incident. Agency’s response via email: “Resident was in altercation with another peer who punched him the face resulting in the facial pain. No complaints of pain/discomfort upon his return to the milieu or today.”