Resident1 reported to staff that on 11/23/23 Resident2 had touched her inappropriately without consent. Resident1 stated that Resident2 told her to put her hand on Resident2’s thigh and that when she did in return Resident2 put her hand on Resident1’s thigh and then moved up to her vagina against her wishes. Residents report that it was over clothes and Resident2 stated that the activities were consensual. This took place in the dayroom while the residents were sitting next to each other under separate blankets that were overlapping. There was no sign of distress or fighting/arguing. Residents were sitting in the back of the dayroom with all of the peers from that unit and staff in front of them. Both residents can be seen watching staff and stopping movement under blankets when they think he is going to see them. Corrective Action: Residents separated. Residents placed on sexual misconduct precautions. Staff will be re-educated on blankets not being allowed in the dayroom unless therapeutically approved and meeting the criteria to be allowed (can not cover half of the body).
Licensing Specialist: Jarred Parnell
Video footage for the incident was reviewed at the facility. Times reviewed for date 11/23/23 at 18:00 – 18:30. The two residents can be seen in the day room sitting in chairs with separate blankets. The blankets are overlapping and movement can be seen near the residents pelvic areas. Staff are present in the room and supervising the residents, and at one point appear to be engaging in conversation with the residents from across the day room. The two residents can be seen watching staff while seated in their chairs. After approximately two minutes, the residents stand and walk towards the door for meal time. It is unclear if the alleged victim is distressed or upset after she stands from her chair and walks to the door.
Licensing and CACD unsubstantiated the complaint.