SABE. It stands for Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered, and it is a nation-wide advocacy organization. Founded in 1990 (the same year the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed), SABE has worked for the full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in their communities across the 50 states and the United States territories. SABE is divided into nine regions, and is run by a board of representatives. Arkansas is in Region 9, along with Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. The representatives for Region 9 are James Meadours of Texas and Dee Banta of Oklahoma.
Among SABE’s current goals are equal employment opportunity (with equal pay) for all, affordable, accessible housing in the community, alternatives to guardianship, individualized services and flexible and available accessible transportation.
For further information about SABE, check out their website at:
If you would like to contact SABE, you can email them at: https://[email protected]