Voters with disabilities represent a large, diverse community. Like every other voter, people with disabilities care most about the policies that affect their everyday lives. And perhaps more than any other time in our lifetimes, we can draw a bright line between elections and their implications on our daily lives. Health care, the economy, education, and our civil rights – all of these issues hang in the balance this election season. With fewer than 50 days until Election Day, and with the pandemic still in full force, voters are not only thinking about which candidates they will support, but how they will cast their vote to make sure it counts.
Tune in tonight, Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. We’ll tell you all you need to know about when and how to register to vote; how you can cast your ballot early; how absentee voting works; staying safe (and keeping your cool) on Election Day; and how to make sure your vote is counted.
You can listen live on KABF-FM 88.3, livestream the show at kabf.org, or you can listen anytime on our website – we always post a recording of the show at disabilityrightsAR.org/speak-up-arkansas. Listen in – and MAKE YOUR VOTING PLAN TODAY!
Tonight’s guests include:
Christian Adcock is an advocate with DRA. He has been with us since November of 2013 and has worked in a variety of issue areas for the agency. He is currently focused on voting rights issues and outreach efforts related to the 2020 census.
Loriee Evans is a full-time volunteer for Indivisible Little Rock and Central Arkansas, organizing their work registering, educating and mobilizing voters, and then holding elected officials accountable to those voters. Loriee collaborates with social justice and voting rights advocates in Arkansas to work toward a government that will represent all voters.
Barry Jefferson represents the 10th District on the Pulaski County Quorum Court. Mr. Jefferson was first elected to the Pulaski County Quorum Court in 2019 and is serving his 1st term as Justice of the Peace. Mr. Jefferson is Managing Partner/ Jefferson Consulting, LLC., in Jacksonville, Arkansas and gives his time to a number of worthy organizations and causes, not least the Jacksonville NAACP.
Susan Inman was Director of Elections for a former Arkansas Secretary of State, former member of the Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners, founder and first president of the Arkansas County Election Commissions Association. She has volunteered with the US Department of State as an international election observer, observing over a dozen elections in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus and most recently in Ukraine observing their presidential elections in 2019. As a voting rights advocate, Susan volunteers by speaking to groups about voting and the voting process.
Our guests gave us several websites so that you have all the info you need at your fingertips! Here they are:
vipvoter.org A nonpartisan voter outreach campaign by Indivisible Little Rock and Central Arkansas. Contains information on how and where to register and vote; information on the various races, candidates and issues; and ways to get involved in your community.
#VoteSafeAR is also run by Indivisible LR/Central Arkansas, and is dedicated to helping people obtain and cast an absentee ballot to ensure that you can cast your ballot safely during the pandemic. Find them at vipvoter.org/VoteSafeAR
Already registered? Look up your voter registration at https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/VoterView to make sure your registration is on file and there are no issues. (You don’t want any surprises on Election Day!)
GoVoteAR.org is another great place to find important information such as registration deadlines; early voting dates and links to your County Clerk’s office to get early voting location; links to request an absentee ballot, and more!
Check out the NAACP-Jacksonville’s website at https://www.naacpjvark.org/ for Get Out the Vote and other election-related activities.
In addition to Presidential, Senate and Congressional races, there are a number of state house seats, judicial races, school board elections, and more up for grabs on Election Day. There are also some important ballot initiatives you’ll want to get smart about before heading to the polls. Check out the VERY excellent resources at https://www.uaex.edu/business-communities/voter-education/ – there you can read up on the candidates, learn more about the ballot initiatives you’re being asked to vote on, and even take a look at the ballot you’ll be completing when you vote. PRO TIP – print it out, study up, mark your choices on your printed ballot, and take it to the polls so you can use it to help you vote.
And last but CERTAINLY not least, your pals here at Disability Rights Arkansas have put together some resources for you, including videos about registering to vote, early voting, voting absentee, AND what to do it you run into a problem at the polls. (Hint: take two phone numbers with you when you vote: your County Clerk’s, and DRA – 800-482-1174). Check it out at DisabilityRightsAR.org/voting-rights.
It’s go time, Arkansas! Make a plan, cast your vote, and let your voice be heard this Election Day! As our guest Susan Inman says, “Vote like your life depends on it – because it DOES.”