QRTP – Officers were dispatched for a runaway juvenile; Upon arrival to facility, juvenile returned. Officers made contact with juvenile to confirm. Juvenile stated he wanted to take a walk and had jumped the fence.
Police Report
Information Report
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Methodist Children’s Home operates multiple programs on a single campus. Police responses to this campus often do not identify the program they are responding to. All reports plausibly related to the PRTF or Qualified Residential Treatment Program/Group Home (QRTP) have been included here. Where we can be certain the response was to the QRTP it is noted.
Location: Little Rock, AR Population Served: Children and adolescents in need of out of home psychiatric care in a residential setting
# of residents per unit: 20 | Residents per room: 1 | Capacity: 40 |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Clients have regularly scheduled phone call opportunities. The number of actual calls depends on the clients wish to utilize these opportunities. In person visitation (assuming no quarantine precautions) is available every weekend and can be scheduled at other times as needed by the family or guardian.
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? Yes |
Clinical Director: LCSW Therapists: 1 full-time therapist (LCSW)
Treatment modalities offered: Facility declined to identify any specific treatment modalities available
# of individual therapy sessions/week: Minimum 1 per week scheduled. May vary upon the treatment plan of the client.
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: Minimum of 1 with 2 preferred.
Police Report
Information Report
QRTP – Officers were dispatched for a runaway juvenile; Upon arrival to facility, juvenile returned. Officers made contact with juvenile to confirm. Juvenile stated he wanted to take a walk and had jumped the fence.
Police Report
Missing Person
QRTP – Staff advised 2 juveniles were last seen around 1715 hours and left together in unknown direction. Pulaski County advised on 2/9/22 that deputies had both subjects and facility was advised to contact DHS.
Visit Compliance Report
Census: 11 (1 discharging at 4pm). Buildings and grounds conducted, and MARs checked for 5 clients. No licensing concerns noted.
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
QRTP – Staff stated J1 was assaulted by 3 peers. J1 stated all 3 peers punched him in the face, back of the head, and kicked him in the head and sides of his torso while he laid on the ground in the fetal position (took place behind shed outside); Officers observed bruised left hand, multiple knots and abrasions to the face, left eye, forehead, and chin. Red marks were observed on the back of J1s neck and left side of his torso and what appeared to be hives on the right side. All peers admitted to the battery. All due to trading a cigarette for hot chocolate. Officer obtained pictures of the injuries.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff advised that 3 juveniles ran away from facility. Officer advised staff to notify police if the juveniles returned.
Visit Compliance Report
Census: 12. Buildings and grounds conducted, and MARs checked for 5 clients; No licensing concerns noted.
Police Report
Non Police Incident
911 hang up with no answer on call back. Officers made contact with subjects on scene.
Notice of Incident
Visit Compliance Report
Visit Compliance Report
Notice of Incident
Police Report
Non Police Incident
Secured scene for MEMS.
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
QRTP – Officers responded for battery between 2 residents. The residents got in 2 fist fights, staff intervened both times. J2 had marks on his arms/neck but staff could not could not differentiate if the injuries were caused from yesterday’s incident. J1 had possible injury on his arms. Both Juveniles are housed on separate ends of the dorm. Staff advised J2 is a continual bully to J2.
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
QRTP – Officers responded for a missing person report but Juvenile had returned upon arrival. Staff advised J1 harmed J2 prior to leaving. J2 advised J1 dug a broken tooth brush into his skin because he would not give up his chair for him. Multiple scratches observed on J2.
Notice of Incident
Police Report
Non Police Incident
Runaway child returned without incident.
Police Report
Assault Third Degree
QRTP – Staff advised Juveniles 1 & 2 got into a fist fight, but staff was able to separate them both. J1 stated J2 was making fun of him, and J2 confirmed. Neither had injuries.
Visit Compliance Report
Buildings and grounds visit; Census 10. MARs checked with no issues noted.
Visit Compliance Report
Buildings and grounds visit; Census 10. MARs checked with no issues noted.
Medicaid Inspection of Care
On-Site Inspection
Notice of Incident
Notice of Incident
Police Report
Theft of Property
QRTP – Caller (staff) stated Juvenile 1 took her keys/fob from her desk in the office. She said she didn’t see him take them, but she was in a verbal disturbance with him earlier. Caller recovered the keys outside on the ground before officers arrived. Caller stated she would have the video footage reviewed.
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
QRTP – Officers made contact with both juveniles who stated the other juvenile started the physical altercation. Officers observed J1 had a busted lip but they did not want medical attention.
Visit Compliance Report
Phone call for weekly visit; Staff reported no recent incidents nor concerns. PRTF census: 7; QRTP census: 11.