- Peer Altercation
- Client got into a verbal and physical altercation with peer. Staff intervened and took client off the unit to keep the residents separated. Child Abuse Hotline was called, not accepted. Clients were placed on 10-foot precautions and separate sleeping halls.
- Licensing follow-up: Staff reported the hotline was called due to the age difference between the residents (12y/o and 17y/o). Licensing visited facility on 03/14/23 and reviewed video: Client was in the foyer area with 1 staff member and peer; Client began swinging at staff as to hit him, and staff was observed holding out his arm to block client from hitting him. Client then attacked peer, and staff member immediately intervened. Additional staff assisted and client eventually deescalated.
- TA –
- 907.2 – Staff member will be retrained on asking for staff assistance when needed. Staff should have called for assistance sooner as well as had a walkie talkie to immediately request assistance.
Notice of Incident, Peer Altercation, Visit Compliance Report