- Licensing (Accidental Injury)
- Client received an x-ray of his left foot due to pain from doing karate moves and jumping from furniture to furniture.
- Licensing follow-up: No licensing concerns noted.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Methodist Children’s Home operates multiple programs on a single campus. Police responses to this campus often do not identify the program they are responding to. All reports plausibly related to the PRTF or Qualified Residential Treatment Program/Group Home (QRTP) have been included here. Where we can be certain the response was to the QRTP it is noted.
Location: Little Rock, AR Population Served: Children and adolescents in need of out of home psychiatric care in a residential setting
# of residents per unit: 20 | Residents per room: 1 | Capacity: 40 |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Clients have regularly scheduled phone call opportunities. The number of actual calls depends on the clients wish to utilize these opportunities. In person visitation (assuming no quarantine precautions) is available every weekend and can be scheduled at other times as needed by the family or guardian.
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? Yes |
Clinical Director: LCSW Therapists: 1 full-time therapist (LCSW)
Treatment modalities offered: Facility declined to identify any specific treatment modalities available
# of individual therapy sessions/week: Minimum 1 per week scheduled. May vary upon the treatment plan of the client.
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: Minimum of 1 with 2 preferred.
Accidental Injury, Notice of Incident
Police Report
Non Police Incident
Subject was not missing and located on the property.
Medicaid Inspection of Care
Inspection of Care Report
Police Report
Non police incident.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff advised officers that juvenile was throwing a temper tantrum. Staff stated juvenile did not throw any bricks, but was walking outside and not obeying her. Staff advised this happens multiple times throughout the week and no facility will accept him. After speaking with officers, juvenile calmed down and went back inside.
Police Report
Non Police Incident
Staff advised juvenile ran away then came back. Officers made contact with juvenile to confirm.
Police Report
Assault Third Degree
Staff advised officers that on 10/3/22, suspect arrived on the property after staff called him to pick up his child due to medical reasons. Staff advised suspect became upset and charged at her after arriving. Suspect was stopped by another subject at facility, and did not touch staff.
Police Report
QRTP – Upon officers arrival, staff stated juvenile locked himself in the main office after refusing to go to sleep. After staff got the door open, juvenile started swinging around a bobby pin, then walked out of the building. Officers made contact with juvenile and retrieved the bobby pin, then transported him back to the facility. His caseworker advised staff to call hospital for acute placement; Staff advised officers that juvenile had just returned from the hospital 2 hrs ago, and they would not have a bed due to juveniles past violent history with them. Juvenile went to his bedroom without incident.
Police Report
Terroristic Threatening First Degree
QRTP – Upon officers arrival, staff stated juvenile was threatening the residents and staff, stating he was going to kill them and himself. Juvenile also went outside and put his fist through the window pane and wrote the word “bitch” on the front door in his own blood. Juvenile was transported to hospital via MEMS.
Police Report
Runaway, Theft of Property
QRTP – At 11:35am, staff stated juvenile had stolen a golf cart and fled the area. On 10/5/22, juvenile was located and returned back to Methodist Children’s Home.
Police Report
QRTP – Around 8:30pm, staff advised officers that juvenile left the home around 7:50pm. Staff stated it is not uncommon for juvenile to leave for brief periods, but stated he has been gone for longer than usual. Staff later advised officer that juvenile returned around 11:02pm. Juvenile stated he never left the location and was sitting in the bus the entire time. Officer observed juvenile at facility.
Police Report
Criminal Mischief First Degree
Officers made contact with juvenile 1 who stated he had an altercation with a peer. J1 stated J2 was taunting him from his room, through the window. J1 advised he then took a stick and broke out the window. Neither juvenile had any injuries.
Police Report
QRTP – Staff advised juvenile ran away around 1200 hours. Staff unable to provide a clothing description or direction of travel, but advised he did mention going to war memorial. Officers unable to locate juvenile.
Medical, Notice of Incident
Police Report
QRTP – Officers were dispatched at 5:17pm for a runaway juvenile. Staff advised juvenile left the property around 4:45pm, and that juvenile told others he was going to put in an application at an unknown body shop before he left. At 9:50pm, staff informed officers that juvenile returned. Officers observed juvenile back at location.
Police Report
Battery Third Degree, Criminal Mischief First Degree, Terroristic Threatening
QRTP – Upon officers arrival, staff stated 2 juveniles were in an altercation and J2 was throwing books and flipping a table, and had threatened to kill her. J1 stated he pushed J2 and they began fighting, and stated he punched J2 multiple times and gave him a bloody nose. J2 stated he began punching J1 in the stomach multiple times. Officers responded again due to J1 breaking out windows with hands and rocks. Officers observed blood on J1s hands from breaking windows, and assisted MEMS with transport to hospital due to J1s hostile behavior.
Licensing Follow Up, Maltreatment, Notice of Incident
Police Report
QRTP – At approx. 7:15pm, officers responded for a runaway report. Upon arrival, staff stated juvenile was last seen around 7:05pm. Staff advised he had ran away last night but returned this morning. J1 was located on 9/6/22 at approx. 12:45am after officers were dispatched for suspicious activity, and J1 was returned to facility. Facility then called at approx. 2:03am to advise he had left the premises again. Officers located J1 again and MEMS transported him to hospital.
Police Report
QRTP – At approx. 8pm, officers responded for a runaway report. Upon arrival, staff stated juvenile was last seen around 6:30pm. Staff stated some of the other residents will go to nearby gas stations and return within a few hours, but J1 has not returned as of 8pm. J1 was located on 9/4/22 at approx. 1:45pm.
Monitor Visit, Visit Compliance Report
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
QRTP – Staff stated 3 juveniles were in a fight. J1 stated J2 and J3 jumped him because he was yelling at another worker in the facility. J2 and J3 had already been moved upon officers arrival. J1 had a bloody lip and nose, and was transported via MEMS to hospital.
Police Report
Criminal Mischief Second Degree, Terroristic Threat
QRTP – Staff stated 2 juveniles were in a disturbance which required his intervention. Staff stated he had to remove J1 from the building and while J1 was outside, he threw several rocks at a window, breaking 2-3 glass panels. Staff stated J1 threatened to stab and kill him when confronted about the window. Officers advised staff to seek a pick up order regarding J1.
Licensing, Notice of Incident, Sexual Contact
Police Report
Criminal Mischief Second Degree
QRTP – Staff advised officers that juvenile broke a window of the group home and also had a stick and was scaring the other children. Juvenile advised officers he used the stick to break the window in an attempt to come inside the building and was not trying to scare anyone. Officers retrieved the stick and observed a minor cut to juveniles hand; Juvenile denied medical.
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
QRTP – Staff advised 2 juveniles were in an altercation. Officers observed a red swollen lip on J1. Officers spoke with J2 who admitted his temper got the best of him and he punched J1. Officers suggested staff keep juveniles in separate sleeping quarters; J1 denied medical.