At approximately 15:10 hours deputies were advised a Juvenile had just ran off from facility. In a short amount of time while gathering information from social worker, Staff stated Juvenile had been found.
Police Report
Missing Person
*Photos taken by DRA staff during onsite monitoring visits. Photos reflect the most recent conditions observed by DRA staff but may not reflect the current conditions at the facility. If you are associated with a facility and have updated information or photos you would like to share, please contact DRA at [email protected]
Location: Little Rock, AR
Population Served: Adolescents 12-17 years of age in need of mental health services on a 24 hour a day basis.
# of residents per unit: 12 | Residents per room: 1-2 | Capacity: 54 |
Contact with family (Calls and visit schedule): Kids have daily contact with their family either via zoom, face time calls, or phone calls. In the evening they are given time to call families and their families are welcome to call anytime during the day. Outside of Covid-19 Restrictions families can visit on the weekends and once during the week.
Restraint utilized? Yes | Chemical Restraint utilized? Yes | Seclusion utilized? Yes |
Clinical Director – LPC
Therapists: 8 full-time therapists (4 LAC, 3 LCSW, 1 LPE-1); 1 part-time/contract therapists (1 LCSW)
Treatment modalities offered: EMDR, TF-CBT, ARC, Brain Spotting, Trauma-Focused Family Therapy, Reactive Attachment Multi-Family Group
# of individual therapy sessions/week: 2-3x/week
# of group therapy sessions led by a licensed mental health professional/week: 2-4x/week
# of family therapy sessions/week: 1x/week
Police Report
Missing Person
At approximately 15:10 hours deputies were advised a Juvenile had just ran off from facility. In a short amount of time while gathering information from social worker, Staff stated Juvenile had been found.
Police Report
Staff stated that after being told to go to his room, Juvenile had caused a disturbance in the house, slapped a staff member, and expelled a full fire extinguisher inside the home (spraying 4 staff members). Juvenile was contained in isolation room, banging on doors and windows. Juvenile was arrested and transported to Juvenile Intake. Juvenile was also transported to ER because he might have been hitting his head on a wall.
Police Report
Staff stated a Juvenile made threats against her and threw a towel at her, then returned and hit Staff with a closed fist in the back of the head. Staff stated she wanted to press charges. Juvenile was cited with a court date in juvenile court.
Police Report
Staff advised Officers that Juvenile got into a disagreement and altercation with another student. At the end of the altercation, the Juvenile jumped on the hood of another employee’s vehicle, and began hitting the front glass. Staff stated Juvenile punched Staff member several times and bit another Staff’s hand. Juvenile admitted to all that happened.
Police Report
Suicide Threat
Officers responded to facility in response to Juvenile actively cutting her wrist and Staff was attempting to restrain her. Upon Officers arrival, Juvenile was laying on a mat on the floor; Staff stated she had attempted to cut her wrist with her fingernails throughout the day, and had been making statements about killing herself. Staff stated the Juvenile’s Guardian advised them to send her to Bridgeway for help. MEMS transported Juvenile to Bridgeway for treatment.
Visit Compliance Report
Visit Compliance Report
Notice of Incident
Notice of Incident
Notice of Incident
Notice of Incident
Notice of Incident
Incident Report
PRLU System Information
Visit Compliance Report
PRLU Incident Report
Police Report
Battery Third Degree
Staff stated Resident had become upset when another peer had asked for some space. Staff stated that after the Resident had started to throw things and punched the television, Staff restrained the resident and walked them to the seclusion room. Resident then broke loose and hit Staff in the head, and then tried to wrap headphones around Staff’s neck. Staff stated he suffered injuries resulting in a hospital visit.
Police Report
Aggravated Assault
Upon arrival, Deputies found Resident holding a sharp piece of wood and also one with nails in it. When approached, resident raised these weapons as if to throw them at the Deputies. After several verbal commands, Resident was handcuffed. After attempting to lunge at staff and retreive the Deputies weapon, resident was place in the patrol vehicle. Staff stated the resident had become angry and violent after candy had been taken away. Resident was transported to the Juvenile Detention Facility.
Police Report
Criminal Mischief
Staff stated that Resident had become upset about post staff status, and began destroying property. Staff stated Resident calmed down after, and resident wanted to call lawyer stating they no longer wanted to be at facility. Staff stated they would like to think about pressing charges for property destruction.
Police Report
Medical Emergency
Staff advised Deputies that Resident needed to be transported to Pinnacle Pointe due to an issue that happened earlier in the day, and stated the Resident has a history of being violent. After speaking with the Deputy, the Resident was transported by MEMS without issue.
Licensing Compliance Record
Licensing Compliance Record
Police Report
Staff stated that Resident had attempted to runaway from the facility. Resident was later found by staff walking on the roadway and was escorted back and assessed for injuries. Resident was instructed to take medication while Deputies were on scene.
Licensing Compliance Record
Police Report
Resident stated that a staff member put their hands on the residents throat back on 2/28/2020 in response to a disturbance between 2 residents. The resident advised a staff member of the incident, and photos had been taken of their neck. After the deputy spoke with the staff member, she stated the resident was upset with her today because she got the resident in trouble for spitting and they were separated to calm down. The Resident stated they just wanted to make a report of what happened in February. Incident number was provided to both staff and resident.