Licensing received complaint: Centers for Youth and Families (EMCC) is out of compliance when it comes to staff/student ratio (3pm to 11pm shift). There are only three staff members and over 25 children.
Licensing Specialist: Kendra Rice.
Licensing completed unannounced visit on 10/3/23. On 10/4/23, licensing inquired about staff working on 10/3/23 beginning the 3pm shift and requested the work schedule. Licensing Specialist requested Q15s/Observation Logs for 10/2/2023, 10/3/2023, 10/7/2023, and 10/8/2023. Some observation logs were signed off during the increment timeframe. Licensing Specialist will continue to monitor this complaint.
Licensing completed unannounced visit on 11/7/23. On 11/8/23, licensing requested print out for the 3pm to 11pm shift and inquired about which QBHP’s were scheduled to work at EMCC. Licensing Specialist received clock in times of staff members that worked on 11/7/2023. No licensing concerns noted.
This complaint is unfounded by Licensing.