5/22/24 – A visit was conducted at the facility to review video footage for the incident on 5/21/2024 – 7:49 am – 8:12 am. Video footage observed during visit showed a resident was left unsupervised in the milieu and was able to access the laundry room where she was able to hide and remain unsupervised for 14 minutes.
Resident may have ingested laundry detergent. It is not clear whether she did, as the toxicology report did not show abnormalities. Medical report uploaded to ELS.
Incident was staffed with program coordinator K. Rice.
The facility was cited for 907.2 for not supervising the resident and ensuring she returned to the unit. 521 inspection report sent to facility for signature.
5/23/2024 – 521 inspection report signed and returned. Staff will be retrained for supervision, follow up with facility 5/29/2024 for proof of training.
6/13/2024 – Proof of training request from facility