Resident1 was escalated and trying to fight another resident. Staff tried to remove the other resident, and Resident1 tried to follow and run off the unit. The accused staff grabbed Resident1 and pushed her back on the unit, knocking her to the floor. This was discovered while reviewing camera footage of a second incident. The second incident was reported by staff to Licensing, DON, and CEO. A Staff member reported that during the second incident occurring 20 minutes after the first, the accused staff hit Resident1 in the back. Accused staff reported that Resident1 bit her while staff was trying to separate Resident1 and another resident who were fighting. Both incidents were reported to the child abuse hotline. Corrective Action: Accused staff was suspended immediately. Resident1 and the other resident who were fighting have been separated.
Licensing Specialist: Jarred Parnell
Video footage was reviewed by Licensing for the two incidents. Incident 1 – The accused staff bumps the alleged victim with her shoulder and then pushes her to the floor. Incident 2 – Resident1 can be seen with staff’s right arm around her face. Resident1 bites staff. Staff hits Resident1 in the center of her back with a fist because she was not releasing the bite.
Facility is being cited 109.1g for unprofessional conduct for engaging in behavior that could be dangerous, and physically harmful to children. The facility has terminated the accused staff. Residents have been moved to different units and staff have been retrained on resident/staff interaction.
CACD accepted for the hit, documented only for the push. CACD unsubstantiated. Licensing founded.